A variety of production features have benefited the Lego company throughout its history. These features have allowed Lego to develop some of the most adored toys on the market. They include a unique interlocking mechanism and the use plastic instead of other materials. These distinctive features helped the company become the leading toy maker around the globe.
In the 1960s, the business continued to grow quickly. A major shift occurred when Godtfred Kirk Christianens’s cousin Dagny Holm joined the company as a model builder. Dagny was a pro at creating large-scale models and worlds, which were displayed in the showroom. This was an excellent way to promote the possibilities of the LEGO bricks, and also to entice youngsters.
In 1971 the LEGO system expanded into new territories with the addition of furniture and dollhouses. In 1972, the LEGO system was further expanded with https://lego-x.com/2020/02/05/lego-stores-use-virtual-data-rooms the additions of ships and boat sets that featured floating hull pieces. In the 1960s, the company started its international expansion, selling its products in North America via a licensing arrangement with Samsonite.
In the 1980s the company continued to expand and diversify, while also modernizing. The company also set up an engineering and research department which was responsible for keeping the LEGO System in the forefront of innovation. The introduction of themed sets made it possible for users to build specific models without having to figure it out on their own. This was the first step into more complex building and let children get an even more hands-on experience with the legos.
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